Our Purpose
1. Time Statements of the Second Coming Demand First Century Fulfillment
2. The Day of The Lord Has Happened Many Times
3. Second Coming Passages Require first Century Fulfillment
4. Babylon, Harlot of Revelation, Was First Century Jerusalem
5. The Christian (Messianic) Age Has No End
6. Remarkable Coincidences of Bible Prophecy and First Century Events
7. “Already, but Not Yet”
8. Revelation 21 and 22 Are Already Fulfilled
9. The Death of Adam was Spiritual Death, Not Physical
10. Hell is Not in the Bible
11. Ascension of Jesus Examined
12. Olivet Discourse Fulfilled in the First Century Mt. 24—part 1
13. Olivet Discourse Fulfilled in the First Century Mt. 24—part 2
14. Dating the Book of Revelation
15. Who Are “God’s People”?
16. Comparisons-Olivet Discourse & I Cor. 15 and Mt. 24 &I Thes 4-5
17. Context for the New Testament is the Coming War with Rome
18. Heaven and Earth Have Already Passed Away
19. The Sheep and Goats Judgment is Not What You Think
20. Man of Sin
21. Ten Kings and Little Horn (Theory) Daniel 7
22. The Seventy Weeks of Years Daniel 9:24
23. The Abomination That Causes Desolation (Theory) SEE REVISION #54 “DESOLATIONS ARE DETERMINED”
24. Parousia – Presence of Jesus Christ Scriptures
25. Bias in Translation—“Mello”
26. Officials of First Century Israel
27. “The Millennium” Lasted Forty Years- Revelation 20
28. Ancient Israel Was the Fourth Kingdom/Beast, Not Rome
29. The Context of Luke Was The Coming Roman-Jewish War AD 67-70
30. The Law Did Not Pass Away “At the Cross”
31. Man of Sin part 2
32. Christian Meditation Is Communion With God
33. Parallels of Revelation and Josephus’ “Wars of the Jews”
34. The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11
35. Jesus’ Prophecies Fulfilled! Historical Evidence
36. The Beast Part 1
37. The Beast Part 2
38. The Beast Part 3
39. The Beast 666
40. Addendum to Beast 666
41. Accuser of Brothers
42. Rome Was Not The Beast
43. Daniel 11, An Interpretation
44. Daniel 12 Corresponds to Matthew 24
45. Biblical Answer to Tyranny
46. Biblical Basis of Government
47. The Rapture is Not Biblical
48. Who was Gog
49. No Future Second Coming
50. Song of Moses
51. Key Repeated Patterns of Revelation
52. Seven Kings of Revelation
53. Three Fallen Kings and the Little Horn
54. Desolations Are Determined
55. Josephus: “They Did Not Repent”
56. Elements Melt With Fervent Heat
57. The Throne Scene of Revelation 4
58. Genesis Establishes Essential Spiritual Truths
59. Serpent in the Garden was not Satan
60. Problems with the Idea of “satan” in the Old Testament
61. Problems with the Word “satan” in the New Testament
62. “Satan” in Job
63. Did the Devil Tempt Jesus?
64. A Study of “Satan” by Francis Beffert
65. Are There Wicked Angels in Jude?
66. “The Ruler of this World” is not Satan
67. Are there Evil Powers in Heaven?
68. War In Heaven – Revelation 12
69. Lucifer was not a Fallen Angel
70. Beautiful Fallen Angel?
71. Council of Gods or Men?
72. “Angels Kept in Eternal Chains” — Jude
73. Casting Out Demons
74. The Nephilim
75. Jesus Identified the Beast of Revelation
76. Evidence from Josephus Regarding the Beast
77. Did Lazarus Write the Gospel of John?
78. Christian Zionism is not Biblical
79. Decoding Prophetic Language – Part 1
80. Decoding Prophetic Language – Part 2
81. Jesus Led the Second Exodus