05. The Christian (Messianic) Age Has No End
As much as we might think that it’s a good idea, there is no Biblical basis for the “end of the world”.
As much as we might think that it’s a good idea, there is no Biblical basis for the “end of the world”. We are seeking to strip away the false assumptions and unbiblical “traditions of men” that hinder understanding the nature of “the Day of the Lord” or “the second coming,” as it is commonly called. The meaning of this event is obscured by futuristic assumptions and must be comprehended using a sound, contextual hermeneutic allowing scripture to interpret scripture. We are espousing “fulfilled eschatology”.
There is no Christian age. Unless maybe you are talking about before AD 70. The gospel has been given to all nations . Do you really think the so called churches of this day has anything to do with Bible? Nobody agrees with anyone, thus we have denominations. They judge all, they hate….True believers are the assembly. Eklesia. God does not dwell in these buildings where most pastors. live like devil’s. All this so called church is, is an extension of Rome. You pretend to stick with Scripture then what do you not get about John 3:16? He came to save the world. Cosmos. He put an end to sin. Death to sin. Jesus has turned the kingdom over to God. Jesus reined from his death until AD 70. No more sin as in Eden. No more spiritual death. Plain as day. Christ also came only to the house of Israel. For a short work on earth. Submitted Himself to the Father and turned the kingdom over. God now all in all. No more sin or death. He judges the heart not the flesh.